Kandice Ray

Kandice Ray

After living in Texas for 30 years, Kandice now lives in Mesa with her husband and two dogs.  After graduating with a double major, Business and Finance, she spent many years as a successful Sales Manager before deciding to follow her passion for real estate. The skills she acquired during her corporate career has enabled her to support her clients at a very high level.  Kandice prides herself in paying attention to detail, assessing market conditions, building trustworthy relationships, multi-party negotiations, great communication, and consistent follow up.  She takes the extra time to get to know her clients and is committed to delivering a high level of service to them.  Kandice really enjoys the satisfaction of helping people through one of the biggest financial transactions of their lives implementing 72SOLD’s results driven 10 step process to help home sellers get more money than if the sold the traditional way.  72SOLD works and no one will work harder for you than Kandice!!

Favorite hobby?


Your perfect day?

Sundays - Hanging out with my husband and our dogs, and cooking something new.

Favorite vacation spot?


Favorite Book?

The Gifts of Imperfections

Your first job?

Working at a Church's Fried Chicken

Your passions?

My Dogs, Camping, Travel and Cooking

Favorite Movie?


Favorite charitable cause?


Your favorite quote?

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

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